CS 5010: Problem Set 8

Out: Monday, November 2, 2015

Due: Monday, November 9, 2015 at 600pm local time.

The goal of this problem set is to give you practice using everything that you've learned this semester.

These problems are a little more difficult than the ones we've assigned recently, so leave yourself plenty of time to do them.

You must use DrScheme's HtDP Intermediate Student Language with Lambda. Use list abstractions like filter, fold, and map whenever they are helpful. As before, you will be penalized for failing to use these when they are "obviously" applicable.

Remember that you must follow the design recipe, and write invariants (as WHERE clauses) whenever an argument represents context information. We expect that your data definitions, interpretations, and invariants will be sufficient to explain the meaning of every quantity in your program. You will be judged on the adequacy of these deliverables.

For each function that you write using general recursion, you must deliver:

The example files contain numerous examples of the first three of these deliverables.

You will be judged on the correctness of your halting measures and termination arguments.

If you really need to do so, it is ok to write two mutually-recursive functions using general recursion. If you do this, you need make sure that your halting measure decreases on EVERY recursive call to the function, even if that call comes via the other function.

As before, if your function does not fulfill its purpose for all combinations of arguments that satisfy the contract, then you must write an invariant that documents what additional assumptions your function makes about its arguments.

Note: not everything on this problem set requires the use of invariants or the use of general recursion. Part of your task is to figure out when you need these things and when you do not. Remember, it is the purpose statement that determines whether or not you need to state an invariant.

Remember that you must follow the design recipe. Your deliverables include the data definitions (including interpretation and templates), contract and purpose header, strategies, code, and tests. Be sure to sync your work and fill out a Work Session Report at the end of every work session. Use the Work Session Report for PS08 .

As usual, the rubric for grading is here.

  1. Consider the following definition of expressions:
    (define-struct sum-exp (exprs))
    (define-struct diff-exp (exprs))
    ;; An Expr is one of
    ;; -- Integer
    ;; -- (make-sum-exp NELOExpr)
    ;; -- (make-diff-exp NELOExpr)
    ;; Interpretation: a sum-exp represents a sum and a diff-exp
    ;; represents a difference calculation. 
    ;; A LOExpr is one of
    ;; -- empty
    ;; -- (cons Expr LOExpr)
    ;; A NELOExpr is a non-empty LOExpr.

    Your task is to write a program called pretty.rkt that contains a pretty-printer for Exprs. More precisely, you are to provide a function

    expr-to-strings : Expr NonNegInt -> ListOfString
    GIVEN: An expression and a width
    RETURNS: A representation of the expression as a sequence of lines, with
    each line represented as a string of length not greater than the width.

    The rules for rendering the expression as a list of lines are as follows:

    1. The expression should be rendered on a single line if it fits within the specified width.
    2. Otherwise, render the subexpressions in a stacked fashion, that is, like
      	(+ expr1
      and similarly for difference expressions.
    3. All subexpressions must fit within the space allotted minus the space for surrounding parentheses, if any. Apply the rendering algorithm recursively if needed.
    4. Note: there should be no spaces preceding a right parenthesis.
    5. The algorithm may determine that the given expression cannot fit within the allotted space. In this case, the algorithm should raise an appropriate error, using the function error.

    In addition to expr-to-strings, you must provide make-sum-exp, sum-exp-exprs, make-diff-exp, and diff-exp-exprs.

    In addition, you must turn in a file containing the call graph for your program. This file must show which functions call which, so we (and you) can see the overall structure of your program and find all the recursive calls. You may turn this in as a text file, pdf, jpg, or Racket file. Call your file pretty-call-tree with an appropriate suffix, and bring a paper copy to your codewalk.

    In order to help you debug your program, we have provided in extras.rkt the function:

    display-strings! : ListOfString -> Void
    GIVEN: a list of strings
    EFFECT: displays the strings on separate lines
    RETURNS: no value
    > (display-strings! (list "xyz" "abc")) 

    Be sure to download a fresh copy of extras.rkt containing this function.

    Here is a sample interaction:

    > hw-example-1
    (make-sum-exp (list 22 333 44))
    > (expr-to-strings hw-example-1 15)
    (list "(+ 22 333 44)")
    > (expr-to-strings hw-example-1 10)
    (list "(+ 22" "   333" "   44)")
    > (define (display-expr expr n)
        (display-strings! (expr-to-strings expr n)))
    > (display-expr hw-example-1 25)
    (+ 22 333 44)
    > (display-expr hw-example-1 10)
    (+ 22
    > (display-expr hw-example-1 5)
    not enough room
    > hw-example-2
      (make-diff-exp (list 22 3333 44))
        (make-sum-exp (list 66 67 68))
        (make-diff-exp (list 42 43))))
      (make-diff-exp (list 77 88))))
    > (display-expr hw-example-2 100)
    (+ (- 22 3333 44) (- (+ 66 67 68) (- 42 43)) (- 77 88))
    > (display-expr hw-example-2 50)
    (+ (- 22 3333 44)
       (- (+ 66 67 68) (- 42 43))
       (- 77 88))
    > (display-expr hw-example-2 20)
    (+ (- 22 3333 44)
       (- (+ 66 67 68)
          (- 42 43))
       (- 77 88))
    > (display-expr hw-example-2 15)
    (+ (- 22
       (- (+ 66
          (- 42
       (- 77 88))

    Here are some hints on this problem.

  2. Imagine an infinite chessboard. The chessboard extends infinitely in all directions. You can think of the positions on the board as pairs of integers.

    On the chessboard, we have a robot and some blocks. The robot occupies a single square on the chessboard, as does each of the blocks. The robot can move any number of squares in any diagonal direction, but it can never move to or through a square occupied by a block. In this way, its behavior is like that of a bishop in chess.

    You are to write a file called robot.rkt that provides the following functions:

    path : Position Position ListOfPosition -> MaybePlan
    1. the starting position of the robot,
    2. the target position that robot is supposed to reach
    3. A list of the blocks on the board
    RETURNS: a plan that, when executed, will take the robot from
    the starting position to the target position without passing over any
    of the blocks, or false if no such sequence of moves exists.
    eval-plan : Position ListOfPosition Plan ->  MaybePosition
    1. the starting position of the robot,
    2. A list of the blocks on the board
    3. A plan for the robot's motion
    The position of the robot at the end of executing the plan, or false
    if  the plan sends the robot to or  through any block.
    This API uses the following data definitions:
    ;; A Position is a (list Integer Integer)
    ;; (list x y) represents the position (x,y).
    ;; Note: this is not to be confused with the built-in data type Posn.
    ;; A Move is a (list Direction PosInt)
    ;; Interp: a move of the specified number of steps in the indicated
    ;; direction. 
    ;; A Direction is one of
    ;; -- "ne"
    ;; -- "se"
    ;; -- "sw"
    ;; -- "nw"
    ;; A Plan is a ListOfMove
    ;; WHERE: the list does not contain two consecutive moves in the same
    ;; direction.
    ;; INTERP: the moves are to be executed from the first in the list to
    ;; the last in the list.

    Here are some examples that your program should be able to handle easily. Why do the first two fail, but the other two succeed? I haven't shown solutions to the second two, because there are many correct answers. Your tests should accept any correct answer.

    (define wall1
      '((0 3)(2 3)(4 3)
        (0 5)     (4 5)
        (0 7)(2 7)(4 7)))
    (define two-walls
      '((0 3)(4 3)
        (0 5)(4 5)
        (0 7)(4 7)
        (0 9)(4 9)
        (0 11)(4 11)))
    (path (list 2 5) (list 2 6) empty)
    (path (list 2 5) (list 4 9) wall1)
    (path (list 2 5) (list 4 9) (rest wall1))
    (path (list -3 6) (list 7 6) two-walls)

    Your tests should also check that if you run eval-plan on the output of path, you get to the desired position.

    For this problem also, you must turn in a file containing the call graph for your program. This file must show which functions call which, so we (and you) can see the overall structure of your program and find all the recursive calls. You may turn this in as a text file, pdf, jpg, or Racket file. Call your file robot-call-tree with an appropriate suffix, and bring a paper copy to your codewalk.

Last modified: Sun Nov 1 13:31:57 Eastern Standard Time 2015